Toggle the button next to the power button to select between the low, medium
and high air flow pressure setting modes. An LED indicator will display the
current air pressure setting mode.
The airbrush operates very simply, as a pull of the trigger is all that is needed to
start spraying and applying colors. The single-action style airbrush provides a
continuous steady flow of air through the tip of the airbrush, regardless if the
trigger is pulled or not. This continuous air flow enables you to simply pull the
trigger to start applying color.
Prior to beginning it's best to sketch out your cake design so that you know what
colors are needed, where they go and the order in which to spray them onto the
Be sure to keep the airbrush compressor on a stable surface, but close enough to
the your project, so that you can airbrush comfortably without over extending
the air hose
Cover surrounding surfaces before you begin airbrushing to protect them from
being over sprayed. This will make cleanup much easier.
Fundamental Airbrushing Techniques:
Experiment by practicing with your airbrush using the following fundamental
airbrushing techniques until you're comfortable using your airbrush.
Holding Airbrush:
Hold the airbrush like you would hold a pen with a loose wrist and your
index finger on the trigger
Triggering Airbrush:
For the best even results when triggering the airbrush gently pull the
airbrush trigger about a 1/4 to 1/2 way back for a light feathered and
soft spray.
The further you pull the trigger back, the larger the airbrush spray
pattern will be, and it will also increase the flow of color.
It's best to spray multiple light layers to achieve even full coverage and
to darken colors.
Remember that less is best, as you can always add more color to a cake,
but you can rarely take the color away.
Spraying Distance:
For best coverage hold the airbrush approximately 6 to 8 inches away
from the cake as this will allow you to spray light soft layers.
The airbrush spray pattern size depends on the distance the airbrush is
away from the cake surface.