9. Press the preset button (PROG) and keep it pressed until the
LED glow (about 4 -5 seconds). When properly programmed,
the panel is connected to the main digitizer generates a beep.
10. Release the PROG button.
11. End
The table below shows examples
Settings of a dip-
p ID
representation *
Main digitizer in
group 2
First digitizer in
group 2
Second digitizer in
group 2
Third digitizer in
group 2
First digitizer in
group 10
Second digitizer in
group 2
* Dip-witch no. 1 for the ADRESS dip-switch is the least significant
bit and dip-switch no. 8 is the most significant bit. Dip-switch no. 9
is in this case not used.
As a MAIN digitizer a digital control panel with keypad can be used.
This allow as to mount control panel witch keypad and analog push-
button panel side by side. In that case voice and electrical lock will
be controlled by a digital panel. In MENU of a digital panel
appropriate ID address have to be set.
To set ID of a digital panel follow the steps below :
Enter to the MENU of a control panel and change value of an
ID -step 1.02. ID of control panel have to be in range from 8 to
248 (value must be divisible by 8). This value will be an ID of
this group of digitizers and have to be the same in every
digitizer in a group.(dip-switches from 4 to 8).
Use ADRES dip-switches 4-8 to set binary number of ID which
was set in MENU of a digital panel and appropriate value of a
dip-switches (dip-switch nr 1-2) for first, second or third
digitalize in a group.
Press and hold for 4-5 seconds button PROG, until come on
red LED.
If ID number is correct, call module generates confirmation
signal, red LED will be turned off. If ID will be not approved (for
example because of two the same ID number) call module will
generate warning signal, LED will start blinking for 3 seconds.
Procedure have to be repeated for every digitizer in a group.
Table with all settings options was shown at the of this document.
To allocate a button in call module to doorphone:
Set doorphone’s power supply ID with ADDRESS dip-switch
(only when digitalizer is attached to main channel). If digitalizer
is attached to an additional channel skip this step – set any ID.
Dip-switch 1 is the least significant and 8 is the most significant
part of address.
Press shortly PROG button. Call module attached to this
digitalizer will generate confirmation sound and LED on
digitalizer will turn on as well.
Set physical address of given doorphone with dip-switches
(ADDRESS dip-switch). Dip-switch 1 is the least significant
and 8 is the most significant part of address. Dip-switch 9
specify riser number (ON – riser 2, OFF – riser 1). During
setting the LED should be turned on.
Press shortly PROG button. LED should start to blink.
Press selected button in call module to program it. After
successful programming double beep will be generated and
LED will stop blinking. After failure (no address or address is
NULL) error signal will be generated and LED will blink three
times and turn off. In case of failure it is required to re-
establish doorphone’s address and start programming from
this step.
In order to program another button (doorphone is connected to
the same power supply) set address of this doorphone (with
dip-switches) and repeat the rest of the programming
procedure. In order to program doorphone attached to another
power supply it is required to exit programming mode and
enter it again with setting another power supply ID number.
Press and hold for about 4 seconds PROG button to exit
programming mode.
When call module buttons number exceed 21 (group of digitalizers)
then programming of the buttons should be performer in digitalizer
which given button is attached to.
Doorphone with physical address 6, riser 2
Doorphone with physical address 6, riser 1
We would like to program button for doorphone 2 in riser 1.
Digitalizer is connected to main channel of power supply. Power
supply ID number is set to 5.
Set power supply ID with dip-switches. In this case it will be 5
(dip-switch 1 is ON, dip-switch 2 is OFF, dip-switch 3 is ON,
dip-switches 4-9 are OFF). If digitalizer would be attached to
the additional channel this step should be skipped. If we don’t
know the power supply ID number then we can check it in its
programming menu.
Press shortly PROG button. Call module attached to this
digitalizer will generate confirmation sound and LED on
digitalizer will turn on as well.
Set physical address of given doorphone with dip-switches
(ADDRESS dip-switch). In this case it will be 2 - dip-switch 1 is
OFF, dip-switch 2 is ON, dip-switches 3-9 are OFF (dip-switch
9 is OFF because riser number is 1.
Press shortly PROG button. LED should start to blink.
Press selected button in call module to program it. After
successful programming double beep will be generated and
LED will stop blinking. After failure error signal will be
generated, LED will blink three times and turn off. In case of
failure it is required to re-establish doorphone’s address and
start programming from this step.
In order to program another button (doorphone is connected to
the same power supply) set address of this doorphone (with
dip-switches) and repeat the rest of the programming
procedure (from step 4).
Press and hold for about 4 seconds PROG button to exit
programming mode.