12. Electromagnetic compatibility
1)Without the express consent of URIT, unauthorized changes or modifications to the device may cause
electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) problems of the device or other device.
2)The design and test of device comply with the operating regulations related to EMC.
WARNING:Even if other devices meet the launch requirements of the corresponding national
standards,the device or system may interfere with other electronic devices.
12.1. Cable length
12.2. Key components of EMC
The product key components of EMC are the scaler's main board chip, touch board chip, transformer and diaphragm
pump. The use or replacement of accessories, cables, transducers, etc. that are not designed to match will cause
the electromagnetic emissions and immunity performance to be significantly reduced.Do not replace device parts
without authorization.
Cable name
Power cord
Unshielded parallel line
1.8 m
Input line of foot switch
Unshielded parallel line
2.5 m
Handpiece cord
Unshielded parallel line
2 m