Fig (1)
While supporting the waterer, make sure the black rubber grommet is firmly seated
into the down tube of the waterer. Twist a little to seat it well if needed.
Fig (2)
Firmly push the poultry nipple with stainless steel pin down into the rubber grommet
completely. It may be necessary for your to smear a thin coating of Vaseline or vegetable oil
onto the nipple so that it can be pushed in more easily.
If you bought the waterer at the same time as your coop, we will have cut out the wire in the
mounting holes in the corner of panel A5. If added later, you will need to cut the wire with a
strong pair of wire cutters around the hole in the corner of panel A5 so that the waterer can
be inserted fig (3).
: Fill your waterer with a hose or pitcher. It is normal that the nipple drips some to
attract the chickens to it. If it drips to the point of draining it and puddling occurs, nipple may
have been damaged or it may be clogged with debris. Clean and inspect the nipple and if
you still have the problem contact us and we will get you a new nipple sent out. If you bang
or drop the waterer and the nipple is struck, it can become damaged.
© Urban Coop Company, all rights reserved.
Optional Easy-Fill Feeder
If you bought the feeder at the same time as your coop, we will have cut out the wire in the mounting holes in the corner of panel
A5. If added later, you will need to cut the wire with a strong pair of wire cutters around the hole in the corner of panel A5 so that
the feeder can be inserted.
: The feeder stands in the corner of the coop down through one of the corner holes in panel A5. It is designed for adult sized
birds. If feeding smaller birds, place a block that the chicks can hop onto so they can reach the food. If a strong rain or sprinkler
gets the food in the tray wet, break up the clumps and the feed should start flowing again.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Optional Easy-Fill Waterer
Nipple Fully Installed