UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 4: Cooper Time Cube
Cooper Time Cube
Dual Mechanical Delay Line
The original Cooper Time Cube was a Duane H. Cooper and Bill Putnam col-
laborative design that brought a garden hose-based mechanical delay to the
world in 1971 and has achieved cult status as the most unique delay ever
made. The Cooper Time Cube is famous for its spectacular short delay and
doubling effects and its uncanny ability to always sit perfectly in the mix. How-
ever, the CTC had limited practicality as a full-featured delay; only 14, 16 or
30 ms settings were available. Over the years this quirky device has grown
a strong following and finds a home in the most prestigious studios in the
world, such as Blackbird and Sunset Sound. Top producers and engineers
such as Richard Dodd, Vance Powell and Joe Chicarelli still swear by the Coo-
per Time Cube for its unique character.
The Cooper Time Cube MkII has all the sound of the original delay system de-
sign and offers all the necessary features expected from a modern delay de-
vice. The distinct sound of the single or double hose Coil is preserved regard-
less of delay setting, and either sound is available at the flick of a switch. The
Cooper time Cube MkII also incorporates other enhanced tone shifting fea-
tures such as the Color switch that presents the user with the original (A) or
“leveled” (B) frequency response, plus tone controls and a 2-Pole High Pass
Filter. Lastly, a switch is presented for soloing the Wet signal, and the Send
switch disables the signal being sent into the delay processor.
Cooper Time Cube Screenshot
Figure 16. The UAD Cooper Time Cube plug-in window