UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 47: UA 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
Meter Function
These four pushbutton switches (to the right of the VU Meter) determine the
mode of the VU Meter, and whether the plug-in is enabled. When set to GR,
the VU Meter indicates the Gain Reduction level in dB. When set to +8 or +4,
the VU Meter indicates the output level in dB; when set to +4, a meter reading
of 0 corresponds to an output level of +4 dB.
When the Meter Function is set to GR mode and multiple Ratio buttons are en-
gaged, the Meter will appear to behave strangely. This is normal behavior in
the 1176 hardware, and is faithfully recreated in the plug-in.
When the OFF switch is engaged, the plug-in is disabled and UAD DSP usage
is reduced (unless UAD-2 LoadLock is enabled).
UA 1176 Limiter Collection Latency
These plug-ins use an internal upsampling technique. The upsampling results
in a slightly larger latency than most other UAD plug-ins. See Chapter 9 “De-
lay Compensation” in the UAD System Manual for more information.
The UA 1176 Limiter Collection Original Hardware