3.4 Driving
Do not lift the user higher than necessary when moving the hoist.
Moving the hoist is easiest if the wheels are in the right direction (in line with the direction of travel).
Walk with the hoist when moving.
Drive the hoist to the destination and only lift it to the required height to bring the patient into the
final position.
The legs may be in the wide or narrow position when the hoist is moving. Preferably use the narrow
position to move.
Do not drive too fast.
3.4.1 Turning with the Hoist
Avoid turning from behind when turning the hoist. While turning, stand to the side of the hoist and
use the arm, cradle, and legs to pull or push.
Hold the cradle or lifting arm with one hand and the mast with the other hand.
Start the turn by pushing the base with one foot.
Continue the turn with your arm resting on the cradle and the lifting arm to push the hoist further.
3.5 Removing the user from the Hoist
Lifting to a bed / chair
Bring the user into the final intended position (laying or sitting). Position the user as well as possible and lower.
Ensure that the user is placed properly in the back of a chair.
Do not apply the brake on the hoist in order to position the user properly.
Release all clips from the sling.
Drive the hoist away.
Remove the sling (unless a personal sling is used).
Press in the emergency stop and return the hoist where it belongs.
(Charge the battery if necessary)