3.1 Introduction
Check the Wendy
before use
on the following points:
Switch on the hoist by turning the emergency stop clockwise
Check if the battery is sufficiently charged.
Check the condition of the sling and the condition of the clips
The hoist is ready for use. Always ensure a neat and clean working environment.
3.2 Attach the Sling
Make sure that the user is able to be lifted!
Make sure that the plastic ribs are fitted in the main part of the sling!
Attach the clips and loops accurately (2.10.2 - page 13)!
Ensure use of the right type and size of sling. Always inform the user clearly of what is going to happen with
each operation.
3.2.1 Applying a toileting sling
Fit the toilet sling in the same way as the standard sling, but with the following points of
Insert the user’s arms through the loops on the main side of the sling with the
round pads under the armpits (marked in the illustration).
Bring the leg slips along the outside of their legs, then under their legs and both
slips up again on the inside.
Now place the clips (loops) on the cradle/spreader bar of the Wendy.
Toilet slings can only be used safely by those with sufficient shoulder function
and trunk stability. A toilet sling is not for long-term use and therefore not
suitable as a general sling.
3.2.2 Apply the sling while seated
• Fit the sling behind the back of the user on the seat. Let them sit a little forward in the seat.
• Position the sling so that the washing instructions label is on the outside.
• Guide both leg slips of the sling along the buttocks of the user.
• Then pull both legs slightly forward. In this way, the user is already sat within the sling.
• Lift one of the user’s legs and bring one leg slip under their leg to the inside of their leg.
• Then apply the other leg slip in the same way.
• If necessary, pull the main side of the sling up to the correct height. The sling is now
around user.