PA760 User’s Manual
Power Save Mode
Tap to enable the power save mode to set the wifi module to its optimum
power consumption setting.
Roaming Trigger
(Default : -78 dBm Range : -40 dBm ~ - 90 dBm)
Roaming trigger will help users to look for a better and stronger signal
strength (in dBm) by scanning many access points. When the signal
strength is lower than roaming trigger value, roaming trigger will start to look
for better access points.
Roaming Delta
( Default : 5 dBm Range : 5 dBm ~ 50 dBm)
Based on roaming delta value, the device will roam to a better signal
strength access point.
Roaming Scan Period
(Default : 0 sec Range : 0 sec ~ 60 sec)
The device will stay with the current AP based on the roam period value
before it roams to a different AP.
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