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MS926 User’s Manual
4.11.4 Block Delay to BT SPP and USB SPP
Please follow the steps to send block delay to BT SPP and USB SPP.
Main Menu Data & Memory Sending BlkDly
10 ms *
50 ms-
100 ms
500 ms
1 second
3 seconds
4.11.5 BT Signal Strength Detection Setting
Please follow the steps to detect BT signal strength.
Main Menu Bluetooth
CFG Signal Strength Detection
Enable *
4.11.6 BT Pairing by Scanning Barcode Label
Please set up a label format ( //.A<BT Address> ) and generate a barcode
corresponding to it, scan the barcode for BT pairing.
Example 1: //.A50b7c3b01939
Example 2: //.A50:B7:C3:B0:19:39