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MS926 User’s Manual
Scan Presentation Centering On, then scan one of the following bar codes to
change the top, bottom, left, or right of the centering window. Then scan the
percent you want to shift the centering window using digits on the inside back
cover of this manual. Scan Save. Default Presentation Centering = 40% for
Top and Left, 60% for Bottom and Right.
Note: If you are taking images, you must set the In-Stand Sensor to Off. You may program a
Streaming Presentation Mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone) you wish to use for
in-stand scanning, and a Manual Trigger mode (Normal, Enhanced, or Mobile Phone)
you wish to use for out-of-stand scanning. To do this, you must first scan the preferred
Streaming Presentation mode (see below), then scan the
want to use.
Presentation Centering On
Presentation Centering Off *
Top of Presentation
Centering Window
Centering Window
Left of Presentation
Centering Window
Right of Presentation
Centering Window