Unison Research
Unico CDDue
A drop-down menu will allow for choosing the desired sampling frequency
between 44.1kHz and 192kHz (the latter being the highest sampling
frequency which Windows can handle). Please note that an ASIO-
compatible player is needed when the user wants to use the Unico CD Due
USB input with sampling frequencies higher than 192kHz, as Windows is
unable to handle such high sampling frequencies.
Figure 13
Configuring a player in Windows: FooBar 2000
FooBar (www.foobar2000.org) is a free software that’s able to operate with
all the modes that are compatible with the
Unico CDDue
USB input: Direct
Sound, Kernel Streaming, WASAPI and ASIO. The installation of the
program is beyond this manual’s scope: we’ll explain how to configure it to
operate in ASIO mode, which is the optimum solution to use with the
Unico CD Due USB input.
Foobar offers ASIO support through the installation of a specific DLL. It
must be downloaded from the “Components” section of FooBar, website,
from the following link: