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71U-1409-300K; REV 20
EC3000 Installation and Operator’s Manual
Time Out setting command is used to set the period of time the Unit will wait for the host to respond to a coupon
process (coupon read and data sent to host system) before the process is terminated and the Unit is released to
process another coupon. Unit will send an ERR1 response to the host when the timeout occurs.
HOST command sequence:
Unit response:
[STX]“HCTC”TOOKnn[ETX] ; Report the current timeout setting
HOST command sequence:
Unit response:
HOST command sequence:
Unit response:
is the time out period in seconds (01 – 99; 00 = infinite or no
Universal Status command generates a status response with PECTAB, Program Version, and Hard Coded
Transaction Code status information.
HOST command sequence:
Unit response:
are the loaded PECTABs
is the 10 digit version number being reported
is the 1 – 5 character Hard Coded Transaction Code
Notes: 1. [STX] represents the Start of Text character (02
). Do not send the actual [STX] string.
2. [ETX] represents the End of Text character (03
). Do not send the actual [ETX] string.
3. Refer to the AEA standard for further details on these commands.
4. EC3: is the default Hard Coded Transaction Code “HCTC” for the Unit in Generic AEA mode. This may
vary for other operating modes such as CUTE which is 5 spaces by default.
12.2 AEA Error Messages
Indicates that the operator has manually reset the coupon processing sequence by pressing the RESET
button, or an internal timeout has been reached and the Unit resets the processing sequence.
Illogical Command Received. Sent to the host system if any command outside the AEA or Non -AEA
commands listed here is used.
Unsuccessful Magnetic Processing Operation. Used specifically to notify the host when the Unit detects an
ATB Magnetic coupon processing attempt but no magnetic data is read. Possible circumstances for this
error would include swiping a coupon upside down, coupon is not encoded, or a non-magnetic coupon/E-
ticket is used.
No parametric table (PECTAB) available for the magnetic coupon swiped.
The Unit responds with this error when receiving a non-CB/CC/CE AEA command after starting the
processing of an ATB magnetic or Bar Code coupon.
- Erroneous element detected in PECTAB download.
defines the first detected erroneous element.
PECTAB exceeds memory capacity of Unit.
When the Unit receives the KP command, it switches to a special firmware download mode. This error
message is sent to the host as a response to any AEA command received except the PD (program download)
command and certain others sometimes allowed in this state such as program version (PV).