11 Device Pulse Coefficient calibration
Output data explanation, Open tool, send DEBUG=1;
(Please run vehicle at 20KM/H
and send this data, so as to check if data are all right)
10,0 Current pulse number, unit is Hz
18.0 Current
pulse speed
, unit is KM/H
17.9 Current
running speed
, unit is KM/H
2000, pulse coefficient
0, GPS speed, unit is KM/H
80, speed limit value, unit is KM/H
If pulse speed is same as running speed, this pulse coefficient is right.
If pulse speed is larger than running speed, set pulse coefficient larger than 2000
If pulse speed is smaller than running, speed, set pulse coefficient smaller than 2000
After several try, we shall have the right vehicle pulse coefficient! Record it and
use it for same type of vehicle!
The smaller pulse coefficient is, the larger pulse speed is.