Choose the
of the clip and the channel to download
the video. Set the
by indicating the start and end
times of the clip you would like to download. Set the
where you would like the file to be saved and click
Once the progress bar reaches 100%, the download is done.
3.4 Toolbar Overview
There are other functions you can access within
including the following toolbars:
• The button is frame-by-frame playback. Once selected,
the playback window will show one frame of the video for
each click of the mouse.
• The button enables/disables the audio of the playback
• The controls the playback speed, allowing play
speed to be between 1/16 and 16x the normal speed.
• The is the capture button to take a screenshot of the
video during playback.
• The button can enter into fullscreen playback. Once in
fullscreen, you can right-click to exit.
• The buttons toggle between different split screen
displays, allowing you to manually choose to view 1, 4 or 9
screens in your preview.
• The boxes help you locate a certain play
point by selecting a beginning and end time on the video
bar. When the begin time and end time are selected, click
to quickly save a file of your video selection.