I. Introduction
II. Features
III. Specifications
IV. Package Contents
V. Product Overview
5.1 Front Panel
5.2 Rear Panel
VI. Configuration Diagram
6.1 Console Connection (Front Panel)
6.2 PC/Server Video Source Connection (Rear Panel)
VII. Quick Start
7.1 Display Resolution Configuration
7.2 First Access to the KLE-Z Web Management
7.3 Networks Configuration
7.3.1 Configuring the TCP Port Base
7.3.2 Ethernet IP Settings
7.3.3. Wireless IP Settings
7.3.4. Store Settings
7.4 Log in the IPViewer
7.4.1 Downloading the IPViewers
7.4.2 IPViewer for Windows
7.4.3 IPViewer for Java
VIII. KLE-Z Web Management Instructions
8.1 Download
8.2 Main
8.2.1 Date and Time
8.2.2 Security Settings
8.2.3 Networks
8.3 Virtual Media
8.3.1 Remote Virtual Media
8.3.2 Local Virtual Media
8.4 KVM Server