08 9351 7500
Do not expose the battery pack to temperatures below -10º or above 50ºC when charging or storing.
The batteries are maintenance free and there is no need to inspect the battery liquid or refi ll with
You are required to charge the batteries on a regular basis. Even if the powerpack is not used, it
should be charged at least once a week.
The battery pack contains two 12V 12ah batteries.
The battery supplied with the PMW-PSHD is classifi ed as safe for air travel by compliance with IATA
special provision A67
Charging the Batteries
Using the charger supplied, the charging duration is about 8 hours.
However, to ensure optimum performance we recommend a 12-hour charge
We also recommend that the batteries are not charged for more than 24 hours.
When only two light indications shown on the battery meter, it will start to fl ash as a reminder to
charge the batteries.
Trouble Shooting
Wheelchair does not move when trigger is pressed
Check the PMW-PSHD is switched on
Check the battery is fully charged.
Check the connection between the battery and motor is correct.
Check the wheelchair brakes are not applied.
Check the drive wheel is in contact with the ground.
Wheelchair is diffi cult to push manually.
Check the wheelchair brakes are not applied.
Remove PMW-PSHD.
The PMW-PSHD is too fast / slow
Try varying the speed with speed dial.
Try recharging the batteries (if too slow).
Check the wheelchair brakes are not applied.