Maintenance instructions
Use the “∆T’’ knob to set the tempera
ture difference between the solar col-
lector and the cylinder, which can be
set b5°C and +20°C.
If, for instance, the “∆T’’ knob is set to
10°C and the cylinder water is at 60°C,
the solar collector pump is activated
only when the collector temperature
exceeds 70°C.
Use the ‘‘N’’ knob to set the minimum
temperature of the water contained in
the cylinder.
This function is useful when the solar
panels are no longer able to heat the
water in the cylinder, especially during
the winter months.
For instance, if the knob is set to 50°C
and the water in the cylinder drops
below this temperature, the control unit
will close the contact which will see to
integration during a DHW drawing.
If this knob is turned completely anti-
clockwise, integration is deactivated.
Using the internal trimmer, situated near the control
unit terminals, you can set the differential hysteresis
value b2°C and +19°C with continuous
If the trimmer is turned completely
anti-clockwise (minimum), the collector
pump stops with a hysteresis of 2°C, so
if ∆T is set to 20°C and the tempera
ture of the cylinder is set to 50°C,
the collector pump is activated when
the temperature of the collector reaches
70°C and stops when it reaches 68°C.
If the trimmer is turned completely
clockwise (maximum), the collector
pump stops with a hysteresis of 19°C,
so if ∆T is set to 20°C and the tempera
of the cylinder is set to 50°C, the
collector pump is activated when the
temperature of the collector reaches
70°C and stops when it reaches 51°C.
If the trimmer is turned half-way clock-
wise (in the middle), the collector pump
stops with a hysteresis of 10.5°C, so if
∆T is set to 20°C and the temperature of
the cylinder is set to 50°C, the collector
pump is activated when the tempera-
ture of the collector reaches 70.5°C and
stops when it reaches 60.5°C.
In this case, if we set a ∆T of 10°C with
a hysteresis of 10.5°C or above, the
pump will nonetheless stop at 51°C
(always 1°C above the temperature of
the cylinder).