Boiler model
IVEN B60 TN 24
have an open
combustion chamber and have been desi-
gned for connection to a chimney: the com-
bustion air is taken
directly from the room
in which the boiler is installed.
The boiler must be installed in a suitable room
pursuant to applicable standards and laws
which shall be considered as having been
transcribed in full in this manual.
Connection to the chimney
The chimney is indispensable for the correct
functioning of the boiler; it must therefore con-
form with the following requirements:
it must be made from waterproof material
and be resistant at the temperature of the
flue gas and relative condensate;
it must have sufficient mechanical stren-
gth and low thermal conductivity;
it must be perfectly sealed to prevent co-
oling due to parasite air inlets;
it must be as vertical as possible and the
end section must have a chimney cap whi-
ch guarantees efficient and constant remo-
val of the combustion products;
the chimney must have a larger diameter
than that of the boiler’s draught stop; for
chimneys with a square or rectangular sec-
tion, the internal section must be 10% lar-
ger than the section of the connection duct
to the draught stop;
starting from the draught stop, the duct fit-
ting must have a vertical section of more
than twice the diameter before joining the
Direct emission into the atmosphere
Natural draught boilers can discharge combu-
stion products directly into the atmosphere
using a duct which goes through the outside
walls of the building connected to a flue
exhaust terminal.
The exhaust duct must also comply with the
following requirements:
the sub-horizontal part inside the building
must be as short as possible (no more than
1.000 mm);
for boiler with vertical discharge, such as
IVEN B60 TN 24
, there must be no
more than 2 direction changes;
it must receive the discharge from a single
the part going through the wall must be pro-
tected by a sheath duct; the part of the
sheath duct facing the inside of the buil-
ding must be closed and the part facing
outwards must be open;
the final section, on which the draught ou-
tlet will be fixed, must protrude from the
wall of the building for a length of a least
twice the diameter of the duct;
the draught outlet must overlap the con-
nection to the boiler exhaust duct connec-
tion by at least 1.5 metres (see fig. 6)
Installation info
Boiler model
have a sea-
led combustion chamber with reference to
the environment in which it is installed, so no
special measures need be taken as regar-
ds ventilation for the combustion air.
This is valid also for the room the boiler will
be installed in.
The boiler must be installed in a suitable room
pursuant to applicable standards and laws
which shall be considered as having been
incorporated in full in this manual.