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4.7. Storage of the Cultivator
Clean the machine from soil each time after finishing work and then inspect all parts and assemblies.
Replace any worn or damaged parts with new ones. Tighten any loosen screw connections. Store the
machine on hardened surfaces.
After the season:
clean the cultivator thoroughly
lubricate the machine at the lubrication points specified in Table 3
wash faces of the coulter discs, rollers and hitch axle pivots with kerosene and protect them
against corrosion applying grease with brush
repair spot defects of the paintwork by repainting
when the machine is to be stored outdoors in winter – disassembly the hydraulic cylinder
together with the hoses and keep them in a dry, well ventilated and possibly darkened room
4.8. Disassembly and Disposal
After its working life, the cultivator is to be scrapped. Disassembly should be performed by a
specialized company.
4.9 Warranty Conditions and Warranty Services
Agricultural machinery is warranted to the provisions specified in the Instruction
Manual for proper operation and maintenance. Under the warranty period, only
the genuine parts made by ‘UNIA’
Grudziądz may be used.
Any modifications or repairs made by the user are not allowed in the warranty period. This may lead
to loss of warranty. For more detailed information on how to file a complaint, see the Warranty Card
attached to each machine together with its Operating Manual.
The warranty services are performed by: the supplier (dealer) entered to the Warranty Card when
buying the machine.