Use a Super-fast sintering (Rapid sintering) schedule only in present of
< Use the furnace carefully, there are risks of a burn and a fire >
Do not use a regular sintering tray in a Super-fast sintering schedule.
< There are risks of a fire and damages on the furnace >
Use the sintering trays supported from the manufacture. There is a risk of
damages on the heating element when a bigger sintering tray is used.
< The warranty will not be applied with the heating elements broken by using off
size sintering trays >
Keep away from Furnace during operation. While running, furnace gener-
ates high temperature.
Please handle the oven carefully to avoid damage. The furnace contains
fragile parts.
Do not use in places with a lot of vibration.
Please read the manual and understand the instructions before using the
Do not leave Furnace with a door open.
Keep away from flammable spray or materials from Furnace.
��. Do not install Furnace on place with gradient or rocking table
��. Do not pull a plug out with a strong force.
��. Keep temperature lower than �� Celsius degree and sweep the dust out.
��. If detecting any defect during the operation, stop using and inquire manu-
��. Use dry cloth and unplug power cords when cleaning Furnace. Do not use
any detergent.
��. While operating and right after, do not touch Furnace. Especially, do not
touch the upper part of furnace. It may cause a burn or a fire.
��. Keep away flammable materials from Furnace. It may cause a fire.
��. If Furnace is not in use, turn off switch to power off.
��. If Furnace is not in use for a long-term, pull-out power plug.
��. If continuously use the Furnace at high temperature, glass materials might
lay on the moving insulation and could contaminate materials. To remove con-
taminated materials, use only vacuum cleaner. Do not use air compressor for
health and safety.