Your tanning device is equipped with a RGB led controller and a remote control with which you can
control the colour settings of the Rainbow-led strip. With the led controller (Fig.1:A) you can set the
colour changing, colour jumping, etc. and the colour can be set to static at any time. This system is
applicable for 12V DC. The maximum current per color may not exceed 4 Amp. The electrical scheme
for the led controller can be found in Fig.2
The remote control has 24 buttons, each having its own function:
The 16 “static” buttons give the opportunity for an immediate color selection, the other buttons have
the following functions:
-Brightness up/speed up and Brightness down / speed down
: if a static color is
selected, the brightness can be changed to more or less bright. If another button is
selected, the speed can be changed up or down .
-On and Off button
: switches your RGB led controller on or off.
-7 color jump (FLASH):
gives the opportunity to jump from color to color.
-White fade in/out (STROBE)
: gives a strobe effect in white color.
-7 color change (FADE):
gives the opportunity to run automatically through the color
-3 color jump (SMOOTH
): jumps through the three basic colors red, blue and green.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Be aware that the infrared transmitter should be directed to the receiver
RGB Led Controller With IR Distance Control