Operating Procedures
PFM1OpManualIssue5 Page
The following is intended only as a brief guide. For a fuller explanation of the
interpretation of chart records, refer to suitable reference books.
During the antepartum period the Non Stress Test (NST) is an accurate means of
predicting fetal well-being. The criteria proposed by Schifrin et al for the
interpretation of the NST is summarised.
Reactive - accelerations of 15 BPM or more which last for 15 seconds or longer
twice in any 10 minute period. These may be accompanied by fetal activity.
Non-reactive - evidence of fetal movement during a forty minute period, but without
the reactivity indicated above.
Unsatisfactory - recording quality too poor to determine the above criteria.
Stimulation of the fetus, or repositioning of the transducers may result in an improved
Results from the NST may indicate the requirements to perform other diagnostic
checks such as the Contractions Stress Test (CST).