Property of Ultrasonic Power Corporation -
© 2022
Publication Number UPC220509-002
3. Operating Instructions
3.1. General
The following instructions are intended to guide the user when: (1) instructing operators
in techniques designed to ensure optimum equipment performance; and (2) verifying
the validity of operator complaints. See Section 4 - Troubleshooting, if the system is not
operating properly.
3.2. Before Operating this Equipment
1. Ensure that the liquid level is at an appropriate height as to not to damage the
heaters. Minimum level is 6 inches.
2. Check for leaks in the plumbing as a precautionary measure before adding
3. Plug the tank power cable into the appropriate voltage outlet. Using incorrect
voltage will not allow the cleaner to operate properly and may damage the system.
4. Plug the generator power cable into the appropriate voltage outlet. Using incorrect
voltage will not allow the cleaner to operate properly and may damage the system.
3.3. Generator Control Knobs
Power Intensity
– This knob controls the power output of the generator. Fully
counter-clockwise represents 0%, while fully clockwise represents 100%. It is
recommended to run at 100% power for most cleaning jobs. If cleaning soft metals
or materials, such as brass musical instruments, a lower power intensity may be
Sweep Rate
– As the exact resonant frequency required for optimal cleaning cannot
be known, the generator rapidly sweeps across a range of frequencies to ensure the
frequency is obtained. This knob controls the sweep rate of the generator. The ideal
sweet rate depends on the cleaning job, but 300 Hz, or fully counter-clockwise, is
typically recommended as a starting point.