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UCDOIM 143 Revision 2 24/03/2021
Ensure drainage is away from system at all times. Do not make gardens that create a pooling effect around tanks.
Warranty does not cover storm water damage.
Desludging Requirements
Service technicians check sludge accumulation levels at each service. You will be advised on your service form when
a full desludge of primary chamber is required. Sludge build up depends upon the number of persons in the
household and upon product usage. Time varies between 3 to 8 years. The owner is responsible for the full pump out
cost, to be carried out by an approved contractor.
Safety Information
To ensure no damage to system and safety of occupants, lids and manhole covers should not be removed other than
by authorised service technicians. The electrical wiring must be carried out by licensed electricians. Installation of
system to be carried out by licensed plumbers. For safety of service technicians, avoid trees or shrubs larger than two
metres in close proximity to tanks. In accordance with government requirements, avoid contact with effluent.
Spreading of Hydraulic Loads
Avoid use of bath, washing machine and dishwasher at the same time. Spread washing loads during the week where
Recommended Product Usage for
Ultra Clear AWTS
Washing Powders & Liquids
Avoid powders with added bleaches and whiteners. The bleach is harmful to the system. No laundry powders or
liquids with added softeners. Use recommended dosage or less, too much may cause odour.
Fabric Softeners
Better not used. Coats bacteria and prevents effective treatment of waste water.
Products Not to Be Used
Antibacterial solutions, bleaches, toilet cleansers, products with ammonia.
Aerated systems, like all sewage treatment/disposal systems, are biological, so that if a product kills bacteria in the
house, it will kill the bacteria that carry out the sewage treatment.
Recommended Products
We recommend the use of products that are environmentally friendly and safe for use in septic tanks.