Performing a Control Solution Test
Control Solution
1. iPet PRO is designed to display
test results between 20 - 600
mg/dL (1.1 - 33.3 mmol/L). If a
“HI” (Fig.32) or a “LO” (Fig.33)
message appears on the display,
it indicates that the meter has
detected a blood glucose level
higher than 600 mg/dL (33.3
mmol/L) or lower than 20 mg/
dL (1.1 mmol/L). It is suggested
the testing procedure should be
reviewed and the test should be
repeated using a new test strip to
confirm the result again.
The control solution is to ensure
that iPet PRO is working properly
and the user is performing a
test correctly.
When to perform a control
solution test
1. Using the iPet PRO blood
glucose meter for the first time.
2. Using a new vial of iPet PRO
test strips.
3. The test result of the system is
in question, or on a regular basis
to ensure accuracy, e.g. once a
4. The test result is unexpectedly
lower or higher than normal.
For more information regarding the
control solution, please read the
control solution package insert.
1. Code the meter (refer to
page 10).
2. Be sure the control solution is
at room temperature between
59ºF - 95ºF (15ºC - 35ºC)
before testing.
3. Insert iPet PRO test strip, top
side facing up, contact bar end
first, into the test port. The
meter will be automatically
turned ON (Fig.34).
4. All segments of the LCD display
will appear, a beep will sound,
and a code number will appear
followed by a flashing icon
(Fig.35). Be sure the code
number on the display matches
the code number on the test
strip vial label.
5. Press and hold button for 2
seconds to change to the control
solution test mode
will appear
on the display. If button is
pressed again for 2 seconds, the
meter will switch back to the
normal testing mode.
6. Discard the first drop of the
control solution and squeeze
a small drop on a clean
nonabsorbent surface such as a
clean piece of wax paper. Do not
apply the control solution directly
to the test strip from the bottle,
because contamination may
occur (Fig.36).
7. Introduce the tip of the test strip
to the droplet of the control
solution. The control solution
is automatically drawn into the
test strip. Hold until the meter
beeps. The meter will now start
to countdown and the control
solution test result will appear on
the LCD screen (Fig.37).
Follow the above instructions
when performing a control
solution test in order to prevent
HI & LO Readings