General guidelines
It is recommended to strictly follow the
instructions of the project plan, the health and
safety plan, as well as any further technical and/or
safety rules which might apply to the project.
Works are carried out by qualified personnel only,
and under the supervision of a competent person.
Instructions of use for the employed equipment
must be followed. Consult operating manuals of
the manufacturer or distributor.
Only statutory auxiliary means and the
corresponding protection equipment, preferably
collective protection equipment are employed.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) should
comprise at least safety helmet, safety footwear,
protective gloves and tool holder belt. Whenever
necessary use further PPE, such as reflective
jackets, anti-fall harness with lifeline, goggles,
breathing masks, earmuffs, etc.
Avoid heavy impacts on working platform or
board. It is strictly forbidden to jump on platforms
or board, to abruptly unload material or letting it
fall from height onto the platforms.
If the building site is located nearby high voltage
power lines, it is recommended to work without
power supply. If this is not possible, the
appropriate measures according to the respective
reference standard should be taken.
Under adverse weather conditions, works on the
building site should stop.
Under heavy wind conditions, remove materials
and other objects from the platforms, and check
the stability of all ties, meshes, platform
anchorages, etc. before and afterwards.
Before starting the stripping/dismantling
procedure, check that all structural components
(e.g. ties) are in place. If not, revise the assembly
before proceeding with stripping/dismantling.
Furthermore, check that no loose material remains
on the structure, e.g. on working platforms, in
danger of falling from it, and striking persons
The following measures must be taken to restrict
access to the structure during erection and
dismantling or whenever the structure is not in
correct working conditions (e.g. missing collective
protection): signposting, fencing, closing or
demarcation with straps, barriers or meshes of the
working area and third-party passageways.
Employees and any third party accessing a
structure without collective protection yet in
place, must wear all indicated PPE to prevent falls
from height or to be protected from falling
The purchaser or lessee of the structure shall
instruct its employees on all necessary guidelines
for the safe operating of the structure.
Any alterations of the structure must be executed
under the supervision of a competent person and
must comply with instructions in the operating
manuals of the manufacturer or distributor.
The purchaser or lessee shall conduct periodic
checks of the assembly to verify the correct
installation of critical structural elements and to
identify the potential withdrawal of parts or the
alteration of the structure as such by employees
or a third party.