Console is the heart of the system. It monitors all of the system’s
wireless sensors and controls the alarm sirens.
The Console constantly monitors the condition of the system’s sensors, displaying
which protected doors and windows are open or closed. If an alarm occurs, the
Console displays which sensor caused it. When a sensor has a low battery, the
Console displays which sensor needs a new battery.
Two different custom secret keypad codes can be used to operate the system.
For security, a secret code must be entered to disarm (turn off) the system. The
system can be armed (turned on) by entering a secret code, or with the unique
“Quick Arm” feature.
The internal memory will “remember” your secret codes and all of the system’s
programming, even during a total power loss. An optional backup battery is
available to power the system during short power failures and is highly
An optional Emergency Dialer can be easily installed to connect the Console to a
Central Alarm Monitoring Station through your telephone. The Emergency Dialer
is also highly recommended. With a monitored system, the central station can
dispatch authorities in case of burglary, fire or other emergency. The central
station can also call your family, friends, neighbors, or anyone else you designate
on your custom call list.
The Console has “panic button” capabilities that are always ready to operate, even
when the Console is disarmed. They can be triggered by a button on the Console,
the Wireless Keypad and portable remote controls. Pressing the [
] button
for two seconds will cause an immediate siren and call the central station (if the
optional dialer is installed).
For personal emergency use only.
Not for use as a UL Listed Medical Alert System.
The sensors monitor your doors and windows. They send radio signals to the
Console. One type of signal is sent when the door or window is opened, and a
different type of signal is sent when the door or window is closed. If the Console
is armed, a sensor can trigger the Console’s burglary siren when its door or window
is opened. Up to 16 sensors can be used with the
The wireless remote control is used to arm and disarm the Console remotely. It
can be hung on a keyring, kept in a vehicle or placed in a convenient spot so you
don’t have to go to the Console to control the system. When the Console is armed
with the remote, the Console will sound one “chirp”. When the Console is disarmed
with the remote, the Console will sound two “chirps”. NOTE: If the Console is
armed remotely with open sensors, three “chirps” will sound.
5 OF 40
Linear P/N: 210771 C
Material: 20# White Mead Bond with 60# White Coated Cover
Ink: PMS 554 (Dark Green)
Size: 8.500" x 5.500"
Scale: 1-1