The keys have the following functions:
The display shows the following icons, too
Turn the main switch to position I. Pilot light (A) will be on
showing that the dispenser is ready to work.
Keep key (B) pressed until the dispenser starts.
Select the operation mode and the desired product density by
means of keys (C) or (D).
By pressing key standby (B) twice quickly, lights can be turned
on and off. When the machine is in the Granita Making mode,
lights are always on; when the machine is in the Product
Preservation mode, lights are always off.
When the machine is working in the Granita Making mode, it is
possible to adjust product density by pressing keys C or D
The factory set value is 8, which is convenient to make granitas.
When the dispenser is in the Product Preservation mode, by
pressing key C for two seconds, the Washing mode is enabled.
In such a case, the mixer turns but cooling is disabled.
Use this mode during the machine washing and sterilization to
prevent the cleaning solution from cooling.
By pressing any key, the dispenser exits from the Washing
mode and returns to the Product Preservation mode.
If a fault occurs during the dispenser operation, an alarm
message will be displayed. One of the elements on the density
bar will flash showing the corresponding alarm number. To find
a detailed alarm list, please refer to the Service Manual.
Element 1 of the density bar of the right bowl shows the
compressor operation condition:
It is possible to lock the keyboard to prevent access to the
dispenser controls by keeping keys C and D pressed together
for two seconds.
By pressing keys C and D at the same time again, the keyboard
is unlocked.
The smart display (optional) shows the following icons, too
Pilot light A
On the right bowl: if it is on, it indicates that
the machine is in Standby mode; if it is off, it
indicates that the machine is working; if it fla-
shes, it indicates that the right bowl only is
On the left bowl: if it is off, it indicates that
the bowl is working; if it flashes it indicates
that the bowl is off.
Standby key B On the right bowl: if it is pressed for two
seconds, it allows turning on and off the
whole machine; if it is pressed quickly while
the machine is working, it allows turning on
and off a single bowl (on machines with mul-
tiple bowls only).
If it is pressed twice quickly: it allows turning
on and off the cover lights.
On the left bowl: if it is pressed quickly while
the machine is working, it allows turning on
and off a single bowl.
Product Pre-
servation Key
If it is pressed quickly, it allows increasing/
decreasing density. If it is pressed one
second while the machine is running in the
Granita making mode, it allows switching to
the Product Preservation mode. If it is pres-
sed one second while the machine is run-
ning in the Product Preservation mode, it
allows switching to the Washing mode.
Granita Making
key (D)
If it is pressed quickly, it allows decreasing
density. If it is pressed one second while the
machine is running in the Product Preserva-
tion mode, it allows switching to the Granita
Making mode.
If it is pressed one second while the machine
is running in the Granita Making mode, it
allows resetting possible alarms.
Solenoid valve
icon (E)
It shows the condition of the cooling sole-
noid valve.
Icon off: solenoid valve closed
Icon flashing: delay timer on
Icon on: solenoid valve open
Product Preserva-
tion Icon (F)
If it is on, it shows that the machine is in
the Product Preservation mode.
Granita making
Icon (G)
If it is on, it shows that the machine is in
the Granita Making mode.
Density bar (H)
It shows the set density value and the alar-
- Off: compressor off
- Flashing: start delay timer on
- On: compressor on
Solenoid valve
icon (E)
It shows the condition of the cooling sole-
noid valve.
Icon off: solenoid valve closed
Icon flashing: delay timer on
Icon on: solenoid valve open
Product Preserva-
tion Icon (F)
If it is on, it shows that the machine is in
the Product Preservation mode.
Granita making
Icon (G)
If it is on, it shows that the machine is in
the Granita Making mode.
Density bar (H)
It shows the set density value and the alar-
Current time (L)
Displays the current time and/or product
°C/°F scale icon
temperature scale set (°C or °F).