reading. Given the wide operating range of the analyzer, extremely
accurate vacuum readings are intrinsically difficult to achieve.
When no pressure unit is indicated, the amounts shown are in bars.
2 Dynamic Offset Bar Graph
Each bar graph represents changes to each pressure reading since the
digits were updated. The graphs are updated four times every second.
They allow the user to monitor pressure dynamics in the system
Each segment in the low side bar graph represents
psi (2 kPa, 0.02
bars) of change in the low side reading. On the high side, each
segment represents 1psi (8 kPa, 0.08 bars) of change in the high side
reading. The hash marks above the bar graph show these units for
quick reference. Segments on the left of the center mark mean
decreased pressure, while segments on the right indicate increased
3 Pressure
The "numeric pressure" display is below the bar graph. The low side
pressure is shown in 0.1 PSI (1 kPa, 0.01 bar); the high side is shown
in PSI (kPa, 0.1 bar).
When operating in imperial gauge mode, vacuum readings below
atmosphere are shown in "Hg below atmosphere.
4 Temperature
This field displays the saturation temperatures of the selected
refrigerant at the indicated pressure. The left side reading is the vapor
saturation (dew) point for the low side pressure, while the right side
reading is the liquid saturation (bubble) point for the high side
pressure reading.