Stuck Protection
When the propeller is stuck and does not rotate, the drone will start the automatic protection
function to stop the motor working.
When the drone is out of the remote control distance, the transmitter will continues to
sound "didi.didi" to alarm the user to return the drone immediately.
Out of range alarm
Out of Control Protection
Out of control protection refers to the flight control system automatically controls the
drone to fly back to the return point after receiving the remote control signal (ie, out of
control), the drone does not have the function of avoiding obstacles during the uncontrolled
return flight. The user can set the return altitude value to avoid obstacles on the way back.
* The remote control is off.
* Flight distance exceeds the effective distance of remote control signal
* There is an obstacle between the transmitter and the drone.
* Transmitter signal is disturbed.
Possibility of entry into runaway protection mode