Note: Switch to high speed switch, obstacle avoidance function will be disabled.
Fill light switch
Obstancle avoidance switch
Obstancle avoidance mode is off by default.
Press the “ ”button,the transmitter
will sound “di” to turn on the obstacle
avoidance function,and press again to turn
avoidance function.
The fill light is off by default.Press the
“ ” button,the transmitter will
sound “di” to turn on the fill light,and
press again to turn off.
Low Battery Alarm
Automatic Return
When the drone in low battery, the transmitter will continues to sound "dididi......
dididi", the drone's indicator lights turn from long to bright. After alarming you, the drone
automatically returned to the take-off point.
When the transmitter in low battery, the transmitter will continues to sound "di...di...di......"
to remind the user to return home and charge the batteries of the transmitter as soon
as possible.