NEO-F10N - Integration manual
When assigning a different function to a PIO, ensure that the default function is disabled where
applicable. For example, disable the I2C interface with the CFG-I2C-ENABLED configuration key
if I2C pins are used for antenna supervisor functions. RESET_N
NEO-F10N provides a RESET_N pin to reset the receiver. The RESET_N pin is input-only with an
internal pull-up resistor to VCC and should be left open for normal operation. Driving RESET_N low
for at least 1 ms will trigger a reset of the receiver. The RESET_N complies with the VCC level and
can be actively driven high.
Use RESET_N only in critical situations to recover the receiver. RESET_N resets the receiver and
clears the BBR content including receiver configuration, real-time clock (RTC), and GNSS orbit
data, triggering a cold start.
No capacitor should be placed at RESET_N to GND, otherwise it could trigger a reset on every
startup. SAFEBOOT_N
The SAFEBOOT_N pin is for future service, updates and reconfiguration.
The SAFEBOOT_N pin is internally connected to the TIMEPULSE pin through a 1 kΩ series
resistor. TIMEPULSE
The NEO-F10N features one time pulse output at the TIMEPULSE pin. This can only be configured
in PIO4.
The TIMEPULSE and SAFEBOOT_N functions share the same internal IC function. If this pin is
low at receiver startup, the receiver will enter safeboot mode. However, in normal operation the
pin outputs the time pulse signal. Make sure there is no load on this pin that could pull it low
at startup. LNA_EN
The LNA_EN signal can be used to turn on and off an optional external LNA and an active antenna
supply to optimize the power consumption in the backup modes. The LNA and the active antenna
supply are turned on when the LNA_EN signal is "high".
The LNA_EN signal is also used internally in NEO-F10N to control the integrated LNAs. The polarity
cannot be changed. EXTINT
NEO-F10N supports external interrupts at the EXTINT pin. The EXTINT pin has a fixed input voltage
threshold with respect to VCC.
The EXTINT pin can also be configured for another functionality.
EXTINT functionality is only available at the EXTINT pin.
3.2 Forcing receiver reset
GNSS receivers typically make a distinction between cold, warm, and hot start based on the type of
valid information the receiver has during the restart.
Cold start:
in the cold start mode, the receiver has no information from the last position (e.g.
time, velocity, frequency etc.) at startup. Therefore, the receiver must search the full time and
frequency space, and all possible satellite numbers. If a satellite signal is found, it is tracked
UBXDOC-963802114-12193 - R02
3 Receiver functionality
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