EVK-NORA-B1 - User guide
UBX-20030319 - R06
Application development
Page 23 of 31
The Toolchain Manager will check the VS Code installation for several extensions provided by Nordic
Semiconductor. If they are not present the user is prompted to install them. If prompted, accept the
Once VS Code starts, a NCS welcome screen is displayed.
Board support package
EVK-NORA-B1 requires a unique board support package (BSP) to account for the GPIO assignments
within the design. u-blox board support files have the format
The EVK-NORA-B10 BSP uses the name
, which is appended with the suffix
, or
to reflect the target core.
The EVK-NORA-B12 BSP uses the name
, which is appended with the suffix
, or
to reflect the target core.
All core options are contained in a single BSP folder. u-blox has submitted an application to include
the EVK-NORA-B1 BSPs into the mainline Zephyr RTOS distribution. In the interim, the package is
already available for download from the u-blox GitHub repository [3].
Copy the entire .
folder into the
NCS directory
, where “
” is the NCS version in use.
The BSPs are compatible with NCS v2.0.0 and newer.
Create a new application
Figure 17: nRF Connect for VS Code welcome page