Instructions for use
Mute button (Mute)
Bri ghtnes s a djus tment button
Button for turni ng off Bl uetooth mode
Button for returni ng to the previ ous menu
Button for s wi tchi ng to ma i n menu
Bl uetooth connecti on i ndi ca tor
Contact mode
When you switch to this mode, it automatically starts downloading contacts from your
mobile device, if necessary confirm it on your mobile device.
Sea rch for conta cts mode button
Rel oa di ng conta ct l i s t button
Ca l l the s el ected conta ct button
Mute button (Mute)
Bri ghtnes s a djus tment button
Button for turni ng off Bl uetooth mode
Button for returni ng to the previ ous menu
Button for s wi tchi ng to ma i n menu
Bl uetooth connecti on i ndi ca tor