SKU 46862
for technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
Page 4
warning! make sure the vehicle which you are loading into is turned off and in gear
or park, with the emergency brake engaged and the wheels blocked.
warning! make sure the Ramp is completely open and the securing chains and hooks
are correctly in place (see #3 below). make sure the Ramp is clean and dry before
warning! wear a safety helmet at all times during loading and unloading.
When folded, the Ramp will be wrapped in the
Safety chains and Hooks (2)
. Release
the hooks and unfold the Ramp.
Make sure the Ramp is completely open. Make sure the tailgate the ramp will sit on, is
dry and clean.
Sit the tongue (angled lip) of the Ramp on the tailgate. Stretch the Safety Chain on each
side of the Ramp up into the inside of the truck bed; attach the hook on each Safety
Chain to a secure attachment point on the inside of the truck bed.
wARning! SAfety cHAinS muSt Be cOnnected tO SecuRe AttAcHment
pOintS ABle tO witHStAnd tHe pulling fORce Of lOAding. tHey muSt
AlSO Be tAut enOugH tO pReVent tHe RAmp fROm cOming Off tHe Ve-
Hicle Being lOAded.
Pull the loading ramp back until the chains are tight. If most of the edge or the entire
edge of the ramp is off of the edge of the vehicle the chains need to be adjusted or
shorter chains must be used.
chain Adjustment:
Remove the bolt and washer that hold the safety chain to the ramp.
Reinsert the bolt through a link that will shorten the chain so the loading ramp can not
be pulled backwards by the ATV’s rear tire more than an inch or two. Make sure that
the bolt is properly tightened and the washer prevents the bolt from slipping through the
chain link. Adjust the other chain to equal length.
AtV loading
tHiS RAmp iS fOR uSe witH 4-wHeeled AtV’S Only. dO nOt uSe tHiS
RAmp tO lOAd 2- OR 3-wHeeled VeHicleS.
dO nOt uSe tHiS RAmp tO lOAd Any VeHicle tHAt weigHS mORe tHAn
1250 lB.
dO nOt uSe tHiS RAmp tO lOAd Any VeHicle tHAt iS wideR tHAn tHe
dO nOt uSe tHiS RAmp tO lOAd Any VeHicle tHAt iS cARRying geAR
On itS RAcKS.
dO nOt uSe tHiS RAmp if tHe tAilgAte On tHe VeHicle Being lOAded iS
HigHeR tHAn HAlf tHe RAmp’S lengtH (34”).
warning! All persons not involved in the loading process must stand clear of the load-
ing Ramp and truck.
Make sure no pets are nearby.
ReV 10/06