connected target device(s).
No, Setting HPA
Do not copy the source device’s HPA data but set the targets HPA to be the
same as the source HDD.
Copy and Setting
Copy source HPA data and setting to the target.
6.4.6 Clear HPA at Erase
Clear HPA Setting
Erases the existing HPA in the connected target device(s).
Keep HPA Setting
Retains all HPA in connected device(s) while erasing all non-HPA areas.
6.4.7 Transfer Rate
Transfer speeds selectable from UDMA 2 through UDMA 7. If a high failure
rate is experienced with copy or compare. Try to reduce the UDMA Mode.
6.4.8 Stop Motor Time
When the system finishes executing functions, the motor won’t stop running
immediately. This function is used to set the time of motor stopping after
finishing function executing from 1 to 20 seconds.
6.5 Restore Default
Restores system back to factory defaults.
[Transfer Speed]
[Stop Motor Time]
8 Seconds