6.2 Skip Error
This function sets the number of error you like to skip during copy / compare /
erase process. The default is 0. You can choose 0-65535 or unlimited.
6.3 Language
Select preferred language. You can select English or Japanese.
6.4 Advanced Setup
6.4.1 Unknown Format
This function allows you to select if you want to copy the unknown format area.
This function will only affect Quick Copy.
Copy Unknown
Copy all the unknown area if device cannot identify the format during copy.
Skip Unknown
Skip the unknown area if device cannot identify the format during copy.
6.4.2 Erase Master
It is set to allow erase source HDD or not. Please make sure of this setting
before you execute DoD erase. The default setting is ”Disable”.
[Skip Error]
[Unknown Format]
Copy Unknown
[Erase Master]