Remotely allowing access to the floor
The inputs Z1-Z8 can be connected to a remote console placed on a guard post. On
pressing floor selection button U-Prox IC E generates message "Access granted to
the floor remotely"
Floor selection buttons unblock in an emergency
U-Prox RM relay modules have EMRG inputs. In normal state short the loop,
connected to this input terminals, to the ground (GND terminal). On input loop break,
module depowers all relays and all floor selection buttons become available.
Figure 5
. Connection schema
Zone loops supervised with 2.2 kOhm end-of-line resistors and have three states:
Normal, Opened and Shorted.
When all zone loops are in Normal state module waits for relay activation command.
When one of zones opened, all relays, activated (de-energized) with previous
command, de-activated.