NINA-B1 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-15026175 - R09
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The NINA-B1 series module can be used either with the preflashed u-blox connectivity software or as an Open
CPU module where you can run your own application developed with either Arm Mbed, Nordic SDK or Wirepas
development environment inside the NINA-B1 module.
The software on the NINA-B1 module contains of the following parts:
SoftDevice S132 is a
low energy (BLE) central and peripheral protocol stack solution
Optional bootloader
Figure 3: NINA-B1 software structure and available software options
u-blox connectivity software
The NINA-B1 series module is delivered with the preflashed u-blox connectivity software.
The u-blox connectivity software enables the use of the Bluetooth Low Energy functions, controlled by
AT-commands over the UART interface. Examples of supported features are u-blox Low Energy Serial Port
Service, GATT server and client, central and peripheral roles and multidrop connections. More information on the
features and capabilities of the u-blox connectivity software and how to use it can be found in the
Getting started guide
u-blox Short Range Modules AT Commands Manual
Open CPU
Nordic SDK
The Nordic nRF5 SDK provides a rich developing environment for different devices and applications by including
a broad selection of drivers and libraries. The SDK is delivered as a plain .zip-archive, which makes it easy to
install. The SDK comes with support for Keil
Vision IDE, GCC make files, and IAR support, which gives the
freedom to choose the IDE and compiler.