NINA-B1 series - Getting Started
UBX-16009942 - R04
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The NINA-B1 series is a highly integrated low energy module developed by u-blox for integration in demanding,
reliable devices, such as those needed for industrial and medical applications. The module is built around a
Bluetooth low energy chip. This document describes how to set up and use the modules.
Key features
One of the key features of the NINA-B1 series is the Wireless serial cable replacement functionality. The basic
functionality is to transfer data between the serial port and a wireless link. It is possible to configure the NINA-B1
series module to automatically setup a connection and/or accept an incoming connection using AT commands.
For a host, this means that an existing serial cable can be replaced by a wireless solution; in many cases without
the need to modify the host.
Figure 1: NINA-B1 series Bluetooth setup
Modes of operation
The NINA-B1 series can operate in the following three different modes:
Command mode
Data mode
Extended Data mode
In command mode, the module is configured using AT commands. For information regarding the available AT
commands, see
u-blox Short Range Modules AT Commands Manual [1]
In data mode, the module transmits data transparently between the serial UART and wireless connection(s).
The extended data mode (EDM) allows individual control of each active link. While sending and/or receiving
data, AT commands can simultaneously be sent to the module from the host. For more information about EDM,
section 2.5
u-blox Extended Data Mode Protocol Specification [7]
u-blox Low Energy Serial Port Service (SPS)
In Bluetooth BR/EDR, there is a Serial Port Profile (SPP) that emulates a serial port over air. For Bluetooth Low
Energy, there is no such profile and thereby no standardized way of transferring generic data over the air.
The u-blox Low Energy Serial Port Service is a non-standard profile developed for the u-blox serial port adapter
concept. The specification is open and may be implemented in any Bluetooth Low Energy device to enable
generic data transmission.