(reading the reason of alarms, testing CAN and analogue system inputs, testing and setting sensitivity of
ultrasonic motion detector, programming and testing Tytan remotes)
The VSS has a dedicated service mode which has 5 stages: (1) reading and erasing the memory of 5 previous
alarm cycles, (2) testing door, trunk and bonnet switches , (3) testing 2 additional sensor inputs, (4) testing and
setting sensitivity of ultrasonic motion detector, (5) programming and testing of Tytan remotes.
In order to enter the service mode
Switch off the ignition.
Switch on the ignition.
Press and hold the PA button.
After aprox. 10 seconds, the siren will chirp 1x. Release the PA button. The system is in the service code,
stage 1 – reading the memory of 5 alarm cycles.
In order to leave the service mode switch off the ignition.
Stage I – reading the memory of 5 previous alarm cycles
The VSS signals sequentially the reason of 5 previous alarm cycles by blinking the LED
The reason of the last alarm cycle is additionally signalled by a single siren chirp.
The number of LED blinks informs about the input which have caused the alarm:
1x – left front door switch (signal read from CAN-bus),
2x – other doors switches (signals read from CAN-bus),
3x – OEM bonnet switch (signal read from CAN-bus),
4x – additional bonnet switch (analogue connection),
5x – trunk switch (signal read from CAN-bus),
6x – internal ultrasonic motion detector,
7x – additional sensor 1 (socket in the front of VSS),
8x – additional sensor 2 (socket in the rear of VSS),
9x – ignition switch,
10x – oem alarm,
11x – trigger from positive input (orange wire, Opel Meriva).
In order to go to stage II, press and hold the PA button (aprox. 3 seconds) until siren chirps 2x.
tytan ds410 can