24 Port SNMP Managed Switch – User Manual
Product Number 0-1591058-x
© Tyco Electronics 2003
PL0351 Issue 1
The Spanning Tree Protocol is applied to specific ports using this menu. In this screen you
can assign spanning priority and path cost to any port(s). A port with higher priority, lower path
cost is less likely to be blocked if Spanning Tree Protocol detects a network loop. The status
fields offer helpful debug information when configuring or maintaining networks using STP:-
The STP Port State field displays the status of the port and the values can be
Forwarding, Blocking, Listening.
The role of STP Port field displays the current role of the port in the Spanning Tree
negotiations. These roles include Disconnected Port, Blocked Port, STP Enable,
Root Bridge, Leaf Bridge.
Port-Based VLAN Configuration
This is the simplest but most insecure method of VLAN implementation. The physical ports
are associated with specific VLANs so the integrity of the VLAN is dependant on the LAN
connections being made to the correct ports. However, Port Based VLANs are very simple to
implement and give control over broadcasts and allow the network manager to directly control
the network. Each port can only be in 1 port based VLAN.
Ensure that Port Based VLANs mode was selected in the Switch Device Configuration menu.
If the port based mode was not selected, then the status line in the Port Based VLAN
Configuration menu will show
Port Based VLAN : Disabled
Figure 22. The Port Based VLAN Configuration menu