Chapter 3
BIOS Configuration
requests data, the system transfers the requested data from the main DRAM into cache
memory, for even faster access by the CPU. The External Cache field may not appear
if your system does not have external cache memory.
CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking
Enables Error Checking and correction (ECC) on the L2 cache onboard the CPU.
Quick Power On Self Test
Select Enabled to reduce the amount of time required to run the power-on self-test
(POST). A quick POST skips certain steps. We recommend that you normally disable
quick POST. Better to find a problem during POST than lose data during your work.
Boot Sequence
The original IBM PCs loaded the operating system from drive A (floppy disk), so
IBM PC-compatible systems are designed to search for an operating system first on
drive A, and then on drive C (hard disk). However, modern computers usually load the
operating system from the hard drive, and may even load it from a CD-ROM drive.
The BIOS now offers a large number of boot devices and boot sequence options.
Swap Floppy Drive
This option allows you to swap the floppy drives if more than one is installed.
It allows you to switch the A: and B: to make B: become A: .
Boot Up Floppy Seek
When Enabled, the BIOS tests (seeks) floppy drives to determine whether they have
40 or 80 tracks. Only 360-KB floppy drives have 40 tracks; drives with 720 KB, 1.2
MB, and 1.44 MB capacity all have 80 tracks. Because very few modern PCs have 40-
track floppy drives, we recommend that you set this field to Disabled to save time.
Boot Up NumLock Status
Toggle between On or Off to control the state of the <NumLock> key when the
system boots. When toggled On, the numeric keypad generates numbers instead of
controlling cursor operations.
Gate A20 Option
Gate A20 refers to the way the system addresses memory above 1 MB (extended
memory). When set to Fast, the system chipset controls Gate A20. When set to
Normal, a pin in the keyboard controller controls Gate A20. Setting Gate A20 to Fast
improves system speed, particularly with OS / 2 and Windows.
Typematic Rate Setting
When Disabled, the following two items (Typematic Rate and Typematic Delay) are
irrelevant. Keystrokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard controller in your
system. When Enabled, you can select a typematic rate and typematic delay.