S1837 Thunderbolt
operating system on the pages which follow.
Enable Wake-on LAN Power Jumper (JP34) -
For Add-on Ethernet Cards only
In order for the Wake On LAN (WOL) feature to work correctly, the adapter
must be connected to a continuous power source. This allows the PRO/100+
adapter to “listen to” the network even when the computer is turned off. The
WOL power connector (JP34) is enabled when the jumper is connected or
(ON). Warning: As always, turn off and unplug power to the computer
before setting the WOL jumper. The WOL connector on your motherboard is
live when the computer is plugged in to a power outlet. Failure to do so could
damage the adapter or computer. Also, be sure that your ATX power supply is
2.01 compliant or better. This level of quality is required because WOL requires
800 mAmps of 5V standby current. Due to power supply requirements, the
ethernet add-on card must have the Intel 82559 Chip for wake-up.
Using Wake-on LAN
In order to use the onboard LAN wake-up feature, you must enable the “LAN
Wake-up for Onboard LAN” option in the Power Management Setup of the
BIOS. The Wake-on LAN feature operates according to a published specifica-
tion. In simple terms, the specification allows designers to build network
adapters that are capable of “listening to” network activity even when the
computer is turned off. WOL adapters have a special low power standby mode
that is active when the rest of the computer is without power. The adapter will
respond to a special “wake-up” packet sent by another computer or network
device. Typically this wake-up packet causes the adapter to signal the com-
puter to power up and run a predefined program.
The wake up packet structure and behavior is defined in the WOL specifica-
tion, available from the website at http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/infobrf/iblan.html.
See the “Troubleshooting” section on page 46 for Wake-on LAN trouble-
shooting tips.
Configuration and Drivers
The Ethernet driver can not be installed directly from the Tyan Driver CD.
Before installing the Intel 82559 Ethernet drivers, the complete LAN 82559
directory and all it’s contents must first be copied from the Tyan Driver CD
onto your hard drive. The 82559 driver can then be installed from your hard