2022/12/12 17:37
ReVolt Bass - User Guide
User's manuals - https://wiki.two-notes.com/
The current PC number is displayed via the channel LEDs
The PC number can be incremented by pressing footswitch A,B or C
FS A = -1 FS B = +1 FS C = +10
Note: If you program the pedal to go further than max permitted MIDI PC starting value (122 for
ReVolt Guitar, 125 for ReVolt Bass), it will revert back to the first option and vice versa.
Please note, by default ReVolt’s MIDI Channel configuration is set to 17 (OMNI)
This menu page allows the user to configure which MIDI Channel is utilized by ReVolt. The available
MIDI Channel values within ReVolt are as follows:
1 to 16
MIDI OFF, only
THRU active
MIDI Messages are received and sent
on this channel number
OMNI : MIDI messages are received on all
channels and sent on channel 1
The current channel number is displayed via channel LEDs
The channel number can be incremented by pressing footswitch A, B or C
FS A = -1 FS B = +1 FS C = +10
Note: If you program the pedal further than the max allowed number (17), it will remain set at 17; the
same behavior is consistent for minimum values.
4. FX Loop
4.1 Default State
Please note, by default ReVolt’s default FX Loop State is set to All On.
Using this setup menu allows the user to select the FX loop state for each channel, when not using the
4CM mode.
Once inside the menu, if the Channel LED shows ON, the FX loop is active for this channel. Press the
corresponding channel footswitch to toggle between the ON/OFF FX loop states for the associated