1/ Motor unit
1.a/ Rubber feet
2/ Juice collection container/jug
3/ Pulp collection container
4/ Separator
4.a/ Juice pouring spout
4.b/ Pulp pouring spout
4.c/ Anti-drip cap
5/ Basket support
6/ Basket
7/ Auger
8/ Hopper
9/ Food pusher
10/ Brush
11/ Filter
12/ Starting switch : 0 / ON / R (Reverse)
The slow juicer uses a mechanism where the fresh juice comes from squeezing rather than
grinding. This newly developed product is capable of making soy milk, extracting vege-
tables juice, offering fresh squeezed fruit juice, etc. The extracting from squeezing allows
the juice to maintain its pure colour, natural taste, nutriments and vitamins.