Install/delete program
Set up “Unknown sources”
Please install Google mar ket pro gra m as priority. If have to install Goo gle
un- define progra m, P lease click “setting”- “security”- “ Unknownso urces”.
Install APK(Program)
Please downloa d different a pplication software from APK. After pro gra m
downloade d, just click it to install Yo u could also install Android pro gram
from ot her storage device.(Downloa ded pro gra m wi ll show up o n status bar.
Please click to find downloade d software package. Then Click
to install.
Delete APK(Program)
Click “setting”- “ Apps”
it will show up all the installe d pro gra m list.
b. Click “ Uninsta ll”icon nee d to delete.
c. Click uni nstall button will be ok.