15. Remove fl at head socket screw [69] from oil slinger and gently pry oil slinger [21] from shaft. (On some
16. Remove fl at head socket screw [29] and washer [25] from opposite rotor.
17. Use bar pullers (see Fig. 10) and attach to free end plate bores. Using bar pullers, pull free end plate
[4] from rotor shafts. (Note: The use of two bar pullers is recommended.)
18. Attach bar puller to gear end plate bore and push out rotors [1], one at a time.
19. Using rubber mallet, tap end plate from housing [3].
20. Using a soft metal punch and a mallet, tap out bearings from end plate bores.
21. Using bevel chisel, remove seals (#12 on lip seal units and #54 on mechanical seal units) from end
plate bores.
22. Series 17/46, 57/81, 64/67 units have labyrinth seals [51] installed. If necessary, remove labyrinth seals
[51] with a beveled chisel and hammer.
23. Inspect all parts for wear and serviceability.
The assembly procedure is generally the same for all series, but where there are differences, notations are
Gaskets are never used between rotor housing and end plates. Gaskets are used on 16/47 and 17/46
series between end covers and end plates to seal oil leakage. Dowel pins are used to locate end plates,
housing, and drive end cover in proper location relative to each other. Be sure they are in place.
It is recommended that the gear end rotor shaft bearings be purchased from Tuthill Vacuum & Blower
Systems, as they are specially ground to locate the rotors with correct end clearance relative to the gear
end plate.
Make sure all parts are clean and free of any nicks or burrs caused by
disassembly. Lip seal units will require all sleeves or seal journals to be
polished to remove any nicks or scratches. Failure to polish seal journals
will result in seal leakage or damage. Refer to page 36 for information and
dimensions on seal pressing tools as well as other assembly tools required.
For 16/47 series, skip step 1 and proceed to step 2.
1. 17/46, 57/81, 64/67 series blowers require labyrinth seals. Position labyrinth seals [51] with slots
pointing up and press one seal into each end plate bore.
2. 16/47, 17/46 series blowers utilize lip seals [12]. As means of sealing, apply a smooth coating of
Permatex #2 or silicone sealer to the O.D. edge of the seal shell. Press lip seal [12] into each end plate
bore, making sure the seal “lip” is facing up, or toward the oil. Apply grease to lip seals only.
3. 57/81, 64/67 series blowers require mechanical seals [54]. Apply smooth coating of silicone to the
O.D. of the seal shell as above. Position mechanical seal with the carbon face up and press the seal
[54] into each end plate bore, and into end plate bores. Wipe carbon with soft tissue and acetone or
similar cleaner, make sure seal is fully seated and shell is not deformed. Insure carbon is not scarred
or cracked. Mating rings will be seated later in the assembly procedure.