Feedback signal type
This setting defines the type of feedback signal emitted by the device. Possible confi
OPN/REC - a feedback signal is sent immediately after the passage is unlocked
CLS/END - a feedback signal is sent after the passage is locked
PAS - a feedback signal is sent after a correct passage detection in a given direction
STR - a feedback signal is sent after initiating the rotor’s movement
Feedback signal duration
Values to choose from: 0,5 – 1,5 s.
Default setting: 0.8s
Position zero
Selecting the Zero config option triggers the position zero configuration mode. This
mode, along with the calibration mode is described in the sections below.
Calibration submenu allows to set the engine movement necessary
They are described in the following points.
This option is not available in gates of the following series: GA, BASIC
This menu allows you to insert the license key to unlock the license. Submitting an in
correct key results in a temporary blockade of this menu item.
Pictograms configuration
Pictograms configuration submenu allows to configure information
pictograms. It is described in the following points.
Saving of the configuration
Save & Exit – saves the changed settings and returns to the main menu
Cancel – discards the changed settings and returns to the main menu
When you enter the pictograms configuration menu, you can choose two options::
Standard - standard pictograms
RGB - gives a possibility to choose from amongst 16 pictogram option signaling an
open passage (for the left and right side separately) and from amongst 4 pictogram
options signaling a closed passage (for the left and right side)
After choosing the License menu, the license number is shown on the screen. Use the
encoder to enter a pin number. Rotate the encoder to change the number, and press to
move the cursor to the next position. After entering the last digit, press the encoder to be
able to navigate through the menu again.